Great Things Readers Are Saying
…I guess I liked it alot because I live near where the book is based. I recognised the places he was refering to. The action centers around a scientist killed who has developed a cure for a deadly virus that is attacking and killing in less than seven days.
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Great Things Readers are Saying Indeed!
Novel Noir is an intriguing fantasy-mystery with more twists than John Edwards marriage.
Do you like novels with deep character development, snappy dialogue, plot twists galore and dark comedy?
Novel Noir will satisfy your needs with characters like Sir Hubby, Stephanie Lane-Pryor and the Raven transporting you to a 1950’s environment. It reads “black and white” but feels like color with the engaging writing that sucks you in like your favorite TV show.
It is a great novel to read with your spouse. It will spice up any marriage good or bad.
Faulkner has plumbed the inner depths of his super ego’s psyche to keep you laughing, wondering and guessing.
“I was shut in due to snow and ice, started reading Valentines Day and found it to be a real page turner. I was delighted to find that this novel was both science fiction and a love story! Some scenes with the eccentric Auntie Elizabeth made me snort with laughter, causing my husband to jump in alarm. Central to the story is an android named Comet, who seems more human than “Data” on STNG and as fretful as “R2D2″. Comet’s struggle to survive in a hostile world while trying to comply with the first rule of robotics makes for a good read.”
Even More Great Things Readers are Saying!
Wonderful futuristic, comedic love story! (5 Stars!)
It was a good read, and I polished it off in one sitting.
When I started reading this book I did not want to put it down. It catches one’s interest from page one. The characters were very real and the story line has one staying on the edge. This is Lewis Faulkner’s best yet. I can’t wait for the next book. (5 Stars)
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