Where’s Your Favorite Place to Read?
After you’ve discovered where my favorite place to read is, leave a comment below and let me know where your favorite place to read is!
Check out even more Summer reads by London-based writer Holly Connolly.
After you’ve discovered where my favorite place to read is, leave a comment below and let me know where your favorite place to read is!
Check out even more Summer reads by London-based writer Holly Connolly.
achael Kushner's novel 'Creation Lake' is a wonderfully deep and interesting novel.Unlike some other book reviewers, I try to let the book and the characters speak for themselves, by providing you with short quotes taken directly from the novel....
new places where people are reading?[pac_divi_table_of_contents title="Get There Quick...with a Click!" default_state="closed" opened_icon="b||divi||400" closed_icon="b||divi||400" exclude_headings_by_class="on"...
Check out this 60 second video. Storygrid Website Resources Amazon Goodreads Who are some of YOUR favorite writing coaches and writing books? Let me know in the comments below.
I'm honest with myself, the inspiration for Novel Noir came from an incredible amount of different source material that I synthesized into one coherent unit.[pac_divi_table_of_contents title="Get There Quick with Just a Click"...
or many years, I shied away from in-person book clubs.[pac_divi_table_of_contents default_state="closed" opened_icon="b||divi||400" closed_icon="b||divi||400" exclude_headings_by_class="on" included_headings="on|on|on|off|off|off"...
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