TV Series Recommendation: Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch

Arts and Culture, For Creatives

Blind Frog Ranch is a TV series that’s sure to hold your attention in a very bizarre kind of way.

I was skimming around Netflix and decided to give this TV series a try.

Almost as a joke.

The name almost seemed kind of corny.


Ollinger, the owner of Blind Frog Ranch

But in the middle of the first episode, I remember thinking– this has 3 Seasons. Just skim this first episode and skip to the most recent episode in Season 3, and save yourself the trouble.

But then, that strange things happens.

You know what I’m talking about.

There’s a cool cliffhanger at the end of the episode, and you just go ahead and click Netflix take you into the next one. 

Here’s the basic plot: “Since the Ollinger team started prospecting at Blind Frog Ranch, they have uncovered a system of underground caverns that snake underneath the property. They believe there is treasure hidden inside the caverns.”

By episode 3, I was thinking– just keep going. Don’t ruin it by skipping episodes and jumping to Season 3.


Photo of a Blind Frog

Blind Frog

What about Blind Frog Ranch Held My Attention?

A lot of interesting things that held my interest take place in the first season:

  • The cast of characters are odd enough to be unique, yet still fully believable.
  • The son almost dies going underwater, when he goes to the bottom of a body of water, looking for a way into the cave.
  • To try  and find the entrance to the underwater cave, the crew uses satellite equipment and extremely modern methods.
  • The crew does find real gold coins.
  • When the water is churned, we come to understand the name Blind Frog, when a tremendous amount of blind frogs come to the surface of the water.

The crew of Blind Frog Ranch

  • Also, when the water is churned, strange blind, finger-length, transparent worms populate the surface of the water. The crew sends these worms to a scientist, who has never seen one.
  • I got to experience a multitude of larger drilling equipments, as well as ‘genius’ creations of mechanical items to use on the site.
  • The ranch next door is called ‘Skinwalker Ranch,’ and Skinwalkers are know to live in the area.
  • Local townsfolk have all kinds of interesting myths and personal stories about weird things happening the area.
  • Some of the geological equipment measures the soil. While excavating, the machinery continues to have unexpected and strange mechanical failures.
  • A geologist in the group is so confused that he tell us the things he is seeing on the ranch are causing him to rethink his belief in the entire scientific method.

You definitely need to check out this TV series.

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  • Have you seen this TV series, too?
  • Tell me your impressions.
  • If you didn’t see the TV series, tell me a recent TV show or series that you enjoyed and why in your comments below.

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