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Yep, It’s This Easy!

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What Happens After I Sign up for My Free Novel?

After you click submit, you’ll get a Confirmation Email, which will take you to That process will ask you what device you read your novels on (i.e. iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle, Nook, etc.) and almost instantly you’ll be able to start reading your copy of the novel.

Currently I have six novels for sale at (which sends you to or to buy them). But FaulknerFiction just gives you a little more information about the novels and about me.

Why Use Bookfunnel?

Bookfunnel just facilitates people from all over the world being able to download a copy of my novels and helps them if there’s a problem with that process.

What Do I Do If I Have Trouble Downloading My Copy?

Contact Bookfunnel’s Reader Area. They actually love helping you. How do I know? I had trouble setting up my account, and I phone-called them. They’re wonderful at helping with techie problems and they love doing it!

Yeah. But Will It Download to My Device?

I’m a novelist.  I’m not tech-savvy enough to be able to send an electronic copy of my novel to you for one reason—there are so many different devices to choose from — iPads, iPhones, Androids, Kindles, Nooks, and more! And if you have any tech trouble downloading it? I’d be no help at all. Fortunately, Bookfunnel’s main job is helping you if you have any trouble downloading a copy of my novel. If you write or publish things, too, they’re an amazing service, and you should check them out for yourself.

How Often Will I Get Emails from You?

Honestly, I have a day-job and a family, just like you do. On top of that, I have to actually write the novels, too. I do want to build a relationship with you, but I don’t want to bug you. But I do want to stay in contact with you—especially if I have a new novel coming out, or I can offer you a discount. Find out more about me here.

Wait. What If I Only Read Paperbacks?

I don’t control the price of my paperbacks, the publisher does. Occasionally,  Amazon (randomly) puts them on sale. You can go right there right now and buy a paperback. Or– you could just sign up here, click Paperback as your Format Preference, confirm you want my emails, but just not download an Ebook. That would put you on the list to get an email from me when Amazon discounts the paperbacks.

What If I Want Out of This Whole Thing?

All emails sent to you will have an Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email page.